Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 6 - The hardscape is done!

The walkway
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

The new walkway

The hardscape has been completed, now Workzone Landscape will finish the job - the irrigation, mounds, plants, gravel, dry stream bed, gravel mulch. We're already enjoying the patio and the dogs think it's great fun to jump over the wall.

Day 6

Sammy approves
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Day 6

the wall prior to painting
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

The wall prior to painting

Day 6

from the driveway
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

From the driveway

Day 6

The new patio
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

The new patio

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Day 5

Day 5
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Maggie decides the pavers pass inspection.

This part of the landscaping (by Labrum) should be done next week - Friday. Then Workzone Landscape will come, do the irrigation and the planting. Mike and Jennifer (and their daughters) stopped by tonite and we went over gravel color - picked out palomino pink (not a 'sun city' pink!!- it's a mined gravel, not painted), and will get a sample of the black cherry riprap we think we want to use with it for the stream beds. We also took the time to go over the plantings. We're very comfortable with their ideas and think it will look great when it's done!

Day 5

Day 5
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

The inspectors are at work.

Day 5

Day 5
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Just imagine palo verde trees, flowers, boulders, dry stream bed.

Day 5

Day 5
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Pavers on the new patio

Day 5

Day 5
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

pavers to the front porch!

Day 4

Day 4
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Maggie decides it passes inspection.

Day 4

Day 4
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Walkway is cut out and contoured

The weekend inspector

The weekend inspector
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Maggie's protecting the new patio.

Day 3

Day 3
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

my old walkway.

Day 3

Day 3
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Day 3

Day 3
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Day 3

Day 3
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

The dogs are surveying the work.

Day 3

Day 3
Originally uploaded by SetterMom

Something smells good here! Maybe they had pizza for lunch?